Parents in Tech host Looi Qin En joins Channel News Asia 938 LIVE hosts Lance and Cheryl for a speed-conversation behind the founding of the podcast and lessons learnt from speaking to mums in tech.
Parents in Tech started from an unconscious bias Qin En realized he had between himself and his wife Gladys. Listen to this episode to hear what this bias was, and what a podcast has to do with this realization.
The one takeaway Qin En has for parents in tech is that there's really no one way. It's all about figuring out what works for you and what works for your family.
CNA938 is Singapore’s dedicated news and information radio station for PMEBs who want to be kept abreast with the latest at all times. CNA938 will feature breaking news, current affairs, business and financial news, and trends on health, lifestyle, travel, entertainment, and technology.
Bryan Chua, a Senior Solutions Architect at Microsoft in Singapore, talks about his family, his views on technology and parenting, and the values he...
The theme for this episode of Parents in Tech Book Club is communicating with children. We look at two best-selling parenting books. The first...
Giving and receiving feedback, empathizing with the perspectives of others, and fighting the guilt of putting yourself first. Samantha relates the motherhood experiences that...